Basic Types

Type Aliases

Type aliases are used to simplify tedious code. For example, the type corresponding to a vector of vector of floats is Vector{Vector{Float64}}. To make function arguments easier to read, this is type aliased to the simpler VVF. Below is a list of type aliases used throughout the code and documentation.

typealias MF  Matrix{Float64}
typealias VMF Vector{MF}
typealias VF  Vector{Float64}
typealias VVF Vector{VF}


A discrete trajectory is simply a set of states. Each state is represented a a vector. For example, a point in 2D space is represented with a vector of length 2.

A trajectory is a vector of state vectors (so VVF according to the aliases above). This might seem tedious, and a simpler representation might have been a 2D array, where each row represents a single state. The reasoning behind the VVF representation is that slicing vectors out of a 2D array slows Julia code down. I’m not sure if it has a noticeable effect (if any), but that was the thought process.

To convert between these representations, the traj2mat and mat2traj functions have been included.


The Domain type has the following fields:

# user provided
mins::Vector{Float64}           # minimum value per dimension
maxes::Vector{Float64}          # maximum value per dimension
cells::Vector{Int}              # number of cells per dimension

# calculated and used internally
lengths::Vector{Float64}        # maxes - mins
cell_lengths::Vector{Float64}   # length of cell in each dimension
num_dims::Int                   # number of dimensions
cell_size::Float64              # size (area, volume, etc) of a cell

The Domain constructor requires knowledge of the domain minimums, maximums, and number of cells per side.

Domain(mins, maxes, cells)

If you wanted to create the unit square with each dimension discretized into 100 bins (100^2 for the whole square), you have the following options:

# verbose
d = Domain([0,0], [1,1], [100,100])

# if one discretization level is provided, all dimensions assume it
d = Domain([0,0], [1,1], 100)

# if you don't provide minimums, they are assumed to be zero
d = Domain([1,1], [100,100])
d = Domain([1,1], 100)

# Unit square in R^2 with 100 cells per side
d = Domain(100)

To generate domains in SE(2), just ensure there are three dimensions and that the last one covers the entire angular space.

d = Domain([-1,-1,-pi], [1,1,pi], 50)

When computing ergodic trajectories over SE(2), it is recommended that you use 50 (or fewer) cells per dimension because SE(2) trajectories use Julia’s besselj function, which makes computation slow.

Probability Distributions

Probability distributions over \(\mathbb{R}^n\) are simply represented as arrays with \(n\) dimensions.

The provided gaussian functions make it easy to generate distributions over a domain

d = Domain([2,1], [200,100])

# returns array with 100 rows and 200 columns
phi = gaussian(d, [1.5,0.5], 0.03*eye(2))

# plot
plot(d, phi)

The resulting plot is shown below. To learn more about plotting, check out the Visuals section of this readme.

The gaussian function can also do multi-Gaussians. In this case the function argument is gaussian(domain, means, Sigmas, weights). The means argument is a vector of mean vectors; Sigmas is a vector of covariance matrices; weights is a vector of weights, one for each Gaussian. This argument is optional and the default value weights matrices equally. The gaussian function will ensure the resulting distribution is a proper density, so you the weights don’t need to add to 1.

d = Domain([1,1], 100)

means = [[.3,.7], [.7,.3]]
Sigmas = [.025*eye(2), .025*eye(2)]
weights = [1,2]
phi = gaussian(d, means, Sigmas, weights)

plot(d, phi)