
Single Integrator

using ErgodicControl

em = ErgodicManagerR2("single gaussian", K=5, bins=100)

x0 = [0.4,0.1]
N = 40
h = 0.1

tm = TrajectoryManager(x0, h, N, ConstantInitializer([0.0,0.0]))

xd, ud = pto_trajectory(em, tm)

# plotting
using ErgodicControlPlots
plot(em, xd)

Double Integrator

This example needs to be redone.

using ErgodicControl

em = ErgodicManagerR2("double gaussian", K=5, bins=100)

x0 = [0.49,0.01,0.0,0.0]
N = 40
h = 0.5

tm = TrajectoryManager(x0, h, N, ConstantInitializer([0.0,0.0]))

# dynamics stuff
dynamics!(tm, "double integrator")
tm.Qn = eye(4)

tm.descender = ArmijoLineSearch(1,.01)

xd, ud = pto_trajectory(em, tm)

When doing this, the solver gets stuck. We can try another descent engine.

tm.descender = ArmijoLineSearch(1,.01)

Dubins Car

The Dubins car is simple and often used to model cars.

using ErgodicControl

# ergodic manager
em = ErgodicManagerR2("double gaussian", K=5, bins=100)

# trajectory manager
x0 = [0.5,0.01,pi/4]
N = 40
h = 0.1
tm = TrajectoryManager(x0, h, N, ConstantInitializer([0.0000]))

# things needed for dynamics
tm.dynamics = DubinsDynamics(0.3,0.1)
tm.Qn = eye(3)
tm.R = 0.01 * eye(1)
tm.Rn = 1 * eye(1)

# generate trajectory
xd, ud = pto_trajectory(em, tm)

# plotting
using ErgodicControlPlots
plot(em, xd)

Look at how bad this is! The vehicle leaves our domain!


As mentioned before, the trajectory leaves the domain because the Fourier basis function is periodic. This makes sense in the context of the Dubins dynamics. Control effort is only expended when changing the vehicle’s heading.

We can overcome this by penalizing states outside the domain, using the barrier cost we mentioned before. This is handled with the trajectory manager’s barrier_cost field, which is set to 0 by default. Let’s try changing the cost to 1. We’d add the following line before the call to pto_trajectory:

tm.barrier_cost = 1

With this modification, trajectory generation reaches the directional derivative criterion after 155 iterations. The trajectory stays within the domain.


Distributions in Three Dimensions

An example if we have a distribution over three dimensions. The agent is a single integrator:

using ErgodicControl

# domain, distribution, and ergodic manager
d = Domain([1,1,1], 100)
means = [[.2,.2,.2], [.8,.8,.2], [.5,.5,.8]]
covs = [0.01*eye(3), 0.01*eye(3), .01*eye(3)]
phi = gaussian(d, means, covs)
K = 5
em = ErgodicManagerR3(d, phi, K)

# trajectory params
x0 = [0.49, 0.01, 0.01]
dt = 0.5
N = 80
tm = TrajectoryManager(x0, dt, N, ConstantInitializer([0.0,0.0,0.0]))
dynamics!(tm, SingleIntegrator(3,dt))
tm.descender = ArmijoLineSearch(1,1e-4)

# trajectory generation and plotting
xd,ud = pto_trajectory(em, tm, dd_crit=1e-4, max_iters=1000)
plot(em, xd, show_score=false)

Plotting is a bit trickier, and is not finished for three dimensions. The tough part is plotting the distribution. Ideally, you’d just plot some isosurfaces for the distribution, but Matplotlib wasn’t made to do such things. I could try Mayavi, but that sounds like a pain. In the following image, I used a scatter plot with points sample from the distribution as a rough representation of the distribution.


Time-evolving Spatial Distribution

using ErgodicControl

# Generate the distribution
N = 80
dt = 0.5
T = N*dt
d = Domain([1,1], [100,100])
cov = 0.010 * eye(2)
phi = zeros(100,100,N+1)
for i = 1:N+1
    mui = (.7*(i-1)/N + .15) * ones(2)
    phi[:,:,i] = gaussian(d, mui, cov)
ErgodicControl.normalize!(phi, d.cell_size / (N+1))

# Now let's create the ergodic manager in R3
K = 5
em = ErgodicManagerR2T(d, phi, K)

# trajectory params
x0 = [0.49, 0.01]
tm = TrajectoryManager(x0, dt, N, ConstantInitializer([0.,0.]))
tm.R = .1*eye(2)

# I call this second Armijo
tm.descender = ArmijoLineSearch(1,1e-4)

# trajectory generation and plotting
mi = 1000
ddc = 1e-5
v = true
xd,ud = pto_trajectory(em, tm, dd_crit=ddc, max_iters=mi, verbose=v)

# generating the gif
using ErgodicControlPlots
gif(em, xd)

Multi-agent Trajectories

using ErgodicControl

# Set up different domains with different discretizations
d = Domain([1,1], 100)
num_agents = 2

# Set up distribution and ergodic manager
K = 5
means = [[.3,.7], [.7,.3]]
Sigmas = [.025*eye(2), .025*eye(2)]
phi = gaussian(d, means, Sigmas)
em = ErgodicManagerR2(d, phi, K)

# Set up first trajectory manager
x0 = [0.49,0.01]
N = 50
h = 0.6
ci = ConstantInitializer([0.0, 0.0])
tm1 = TrajectoryManager(x0, h, N, ci)
dynamics!(tm1, SingleIntegrator(2,h))

# second tm is like the first, but different starting point
tm2 = deepcopy(tm1)
tm2.x0 = [.79,.99]

# array of trajectory managers
vtm = [tm1, tm2]

# Generate the trajectories
ddc = 1e-4
xd, ud = pto_trajectory(em, vtm, dd_crit=ddc)

# plotting
using ErgodicControlPlots
plot(em, xd, vtm)

Multi-agent Trajectory for Time-evolving Distribution

We can generate a multi-agent trajectory for a time-evolving distribution.

using ErgodicControl

# Generate the distribution
N = 80
dt = 0.5
T = N*dt
d = Domain([1,1], [100,100])
cov = 0.020 * eye(2)
phi = zeros(100,100,N+1)
for i = 1:N+1
    mui = (.7*(i-1)/N + .15) * ones(2)
    phi[:,:,i] = gaussian(d, mui, cov)
ErgodicControl.normalize!(phi, d.cell_size / (N+1))

# Now let's create the ergodic manager in R2T
K = 5
em = ErgodicManagerR2T(d, phi, K)

# trajectory params
x0 = [0.49, 0.01, 0., 0.]
tm = TrajectoryManager(x0, dt, N, ConstantInitializer([0.,0.]))
tm.R = .01*eye(2)
tm.descender = ArmijoLineSearch(1,1e-4)
dynamics!(tm, DoubleIntegrator(2,dt))

# create a vector of trajectory managers
tm2 = deepcopy(tm)
tm2.x0 = [.3,.9, 0., 0.]
vtm = [tm, tm2]

# trajectory generation and plotting
mi = 1000
ddc = 1e-5
v = true
xd,ud = pto_trajectory(em, vtm, dd_crit=ddc, max_iters=mi, verbose=v)
gif(em, xd, vtm)

The resulting gif is shown below:


The following example is also cool. The multi-agent system consists of a Dubins vehcile and a double integrator.

using ErgodicControl

# Generate the distribution
N = 80
dt = 0.5
T = N*dt
d = Domain([1,1], [100,100])
cov = 0.020 * eye(2)
phi = zeros(100,100,N+1)
for i = 1:N+1
    mui = (.7*(i-1)/N + .15) * ones(2)
    phi[:,:,i] = gaussian(d, mui, cov)
ErgodicControl.normalize!(phi, d.cell_size / (N+1))

# Now let's create the ergodic manager
K = 5
em = ErgodicManagerR2T(d, phi, K)

# trajectory params
x0 = [0.5, 0.9, 0., 0.]
tm1 = TrajectoryManager(x0, dt, N, ConstantInitializer([0.,0.]))
tm1.R = .01*eye(2)
dynamics!(tm1, DoubleIntegrator(2,dt))
tm1.barrier_cost = 1.

tm2 = deepcopy(tm1)
dynamics!(tm2, DubinsDynamics(.05, .1))
tm2.initializer = ConstantInitializer([0.05])
tm2.x0 = [.1,.1, .0]

vtm = [tm1, tm2]

# trajectory generation and plotting
xd,ud = pto_trajectory(em, vtm, dd_crit=1e-5, max_iters=1000)
gif(em, xd, vtm)

The resulting gif is shown below


Distribution over SE(2)